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Wednesday, January 6, 2021


What does it mean to be a professional blogger?

“Hey guys: who exactly is a professional blogger?”

I see articles written by talented people questioning my position. I hear cries of “but I’m not a blogger” that sound more like my whiny toddler than the professionals we know who utter those words.

So let’s get one thing straight: “Blogger” is not a bad word.

Sure, if you had told a younger me that I would grow up to become a professional blogger I would have given you a solid, in the words of the brilliant Amy Woods of Unbounce, “Aw, hells no.”

But here I am. And here you are. We’re reading, writing, and teaching. We have blogs and customers who come to us through those blogs. Some call it “content crafter”. Others prefer “entrepreneur”. You know what we call it:

Professional Blogger.

But actually, being a blogger is no longer as your day to day hobby. Blogging has the ability to be a serious profession and it’s time to strip the word of any negative connotation.

Blogging helps you tell your story, your brand’s story, and it positions you as an expert (which, by the way, is who we all want to buy from). It helps you build your email list, attract your ideal customers, and become an industry thought leader.

Of course, you can have a blog and not be a professional blogger. And that’s a worthy undertaking too. But if you have an online platform that brings in revenue and there’s a blog tied to it, you’re a professional blogger already.

Want to know if you can claim the title of Professional Blogger? I’ve made an easy to follow flowchart so you can get to the bottom of it. 

I hope you find it worthwhile... bye!

Are you a professional blogger